We regularly survey BuyerZone users to ask how their purchases went. We've used their responses to provide a sampling of actual prices paid for teleconferencing services.
Reservationless teleconferencing allows you to set up conference calls whenever you want using a toll free (or local toll) telephone number and passcodes for the participants. For an additional cost, an operator can manage the logistics of your calls.
Services are typically priced on a per minute per person basis. You'll pay a higher rate for toll-free calls and operator assistance. Most conferencing services do not require a long-term agreement.
If you'll rely heavily on conferencing services, you may be entitled to volume discounts. These discounts require you to commit to monthly minimums and you may be assessed penalties if you break the contract.
Per minute conference call pricing
- "8.5 cents/min/user plus web conference services and host control features."
- Government Research & Development, Eatontown, New Jersey
- ".06/min/toll free/participant plus $45/hour/transcription for about one hour of call time."
- Public Relations Consultant, Saratoga, California
- "Got best rate: 7 cents per minute toll-free conferencing, 4.9 cents per minute for toll callers. We wanted to have dedicated phone numbers, conference codes and both toll and toll-free capabilities."
- Energy Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- "59 cents per minute, reservationless, without operator." [Recording and transcription included]
- Publishing Services Webmaster, Woodside, New York
- "Toll Free USA: .059 per min/per participant - Toll USA: .045 per min/per participant - Toll Free Canada: .13 per min/per participant."
- IT Vice President, Chagrin Falls, Ohio
- "6.4 cents per minute/per participant for 1-800 non-operator assisted conferencing. Four host keys and PINs."
- Non-Profit Organization Manager, Albuquerque, New Mexico
- "Purchase was for reservationless audio teleconferencing with toll-free dial-in access by participants; operator support, moderator control; no minimum/maximum minutes required; billing to purchasing card – all for 5 cents per minute."
- Educator, Athens, Ohio
- "5.9 cents per minute per port. No contract, no monthly minimum, full monthly reports of usage, fast setup and very good communication and tech support."
- IT Administrative Assistant, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- ".07/minute reservationless - North America only - .19/minute operator assisted."
- Advertising Firm Office Manager, Key West, Florida
- "Conferencing calling at $.590 a minute. Recording on CD for $30." [10 participants]
- Business Service Provider, Hazelhurst, Wisconsin
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